Do you remember everything that happened to you before you were 6 years old?

Well, science has proven that your subconscious mind does.

And believe it or not, every cartoon character, every song on the radio, every conversation you overheard your parents having in that time…

Got soaked into your mind like water into a sponge, and became a collection of dormant beliefs that have profoundly (yet silently) impacted your ability to manifest happiness into your life ever since.

If you sometimes feel like YOU are your own worst enemy – yes, these beliefs are the reason.The subconscious mind is not critical or judgmental; it does not analyze or reason. It simply gathers data and then acts according to the conditioning, programming, instructions, and messages it receives.

Thousands of these interpretations of experiences from when we’re young become limiting beliefs that then become rules for our lives. Brainwave entrainment can put you in the right “frame” of mind. Brainwave entrainment technology allows you to access the subconscious–the subliminal parts just below the conscious threshold. This  allows a bypass from the critical divide of your mind directly to the subconscious. Once the subconscious receives new beliefs, it acts upon them as habits. Alpha/theta frequencies are the targeted frequencies use to dissolve limiting beliefs.

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Dedication to the teachings of Quantum Consciousness Formula

4 thoughts on “Rewire Your Mind”

  1. Terri says:

    Alright now, my brotha!! You done said it again. I do remember back to age 2. actually the day my parents were moving us out of our apartment splitting up. The broken toilet and the sound of the water running, my broken potty, the color of the funky carpet. I’m crying writing this. I’ve lived in homes with other people but I have yet to own my own home. My father owned 3 homes. My mom inherited her family home along with 3 siblings. Yes I lived there too. I grew up half my life there. I am determined to experience living in and owning the home of my dreams and being independently wealthy NOW. Not just for me but for my 11yr old sun and my father who told me earlier this year that I am gonna win the big jackpot money and buy my house myself. I truly believe he is absolutely correct. Thank you Mark for sharing your insights. GOLD!!


    Mark will your youtube playlist with frequencies still work for me.???

  3. Tejiri precious says:

    Mark I want to say a big thank you for your support and kindness please how can I use brain waves entertainment for virtualization?
    Please do explain or throw more light on it thanks

  4. Zac says:

    Could you provide a link on the alpha – theta limiting beliefs? Thanks!

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